Flying And Fashion: 4 Things NOT To Wear On A Plane

When the big day arrives and everyone is packing and preparing for their flight, it is important to remember exactly what a flight is. It’s at LEAST an hour (sometimes over 10!) of being in a small space, with other people, without much control of the temperature. This is not a place to wear an evening gown or tux, but it’s also not the place to wear your favorite “hole-y” pajamas and slippers. Comfort is key when on a long flight, so dress the part. Here are four things to avoid when dressing for a long flight, and a few alternatives.

Really Tight Clothing-
Tight clothing restricts airflow, which could cause your legs/feet to fall asleep during the flight. Tight jeans that cut into your stomach are also not a good idea. Although you may look fantastic in skinny jeans, give yourself some breathing room and opt for cotton or soft linen instead.

High Heels-
Unless you’re walking straight off the plane and into a business meeting, do your feet a favor and wear comfortable shoes. There is nothing worse than trying to get from one side of the airport to the other in uncomfortable high heels. Don’t be that person who is walking barefoot through the airport with your heels in hand because you were trying to be cute. And remember the part about being in a small space with lots of other people? Don’t make them suffer the smell of your feet because you made the choice to be a fashionista on travel day. Sneakers, slip on shoes, even boots will make your trek through the airport more bearable. Your toes will thank you.

Although smelling like “Warm September Leaves” or “Rustic Log Cabin” is great for your everyday life, dousing yourself in perfume or cologne right before a flight can be overwhelming for passengers sharing a space with you. Freshly washed clothes and deodorant is all you need and prevents the whole plane from mixing smells and smelling like “Warm September Vanilla Pumpkin Lilac Apple Pie Ocean Cabins.” Less is more in the fragrant department when on a long flight.

Jackets and Other
Bulky Items- You may be going from one temperature extreme to the other, but you can dress appropriately without bulking up. Wearing snowsuits, heavy jackets, and thick sweaters may keep you warm when you reach your destination
but could make the flight a rough (and sweaty) one. Instead, layer your clothing so you can take pieces off when you break a sweat running through the airport or sitting on the tarmac for a long period of time. Remember the part
about not having much control of the temperature on a long flight? Don’t put yourself in the position when the only choice you have is to wear a thick turtleneck sweater for the whole flight. Layers mean options and options mean
ultimate comfort.

Heading to the airport for a family vacation is exciting, but it is important to evaluate your wardrobe before you leave the house to ensure you, and the rest of the family, have the most comfortable flight possible.